Welcome to Overlevel!

Hey there, welcome to Overlevel.

My name is Tim and I love role playing games. I have loved them since I first played Final Fantasy VII in late 1997. It changed how I look at video games forever and it helped formulate the taste in games that I have now. I want to use Overlevel as a platform for me to write about the kinds of games that I love.

I am launching the website with four reviews of major RPG releases from this year, and I look forward to using the site to share even more with you all. I plan on reviewing major new JRPGs, western RPGs, etc., as well as a regular selection of classic RPGs in various subgenres. I’ve been on the internet for a long time, and I love writing, so I want to build up a community here around things that mean a lot to me. In addition to my written reviews, I also plan on creating short-form video reviews for them, as well.

If you want to keep up with me on social media, you can find the link to my Threads, YouTube, and TikTok profiles in the menu.






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